
Ways to Give

Your generous contribution supports the goals and mission of the American Friends of LacMus to secure the future of the LacMus Festival.

American Friends of LacMus Festival is a non-profit tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code Tax Identification Number 83-457800

For more information on how to donate, please contact us at

Our Supporters

The American Friends of LacMus Festival gratefully acknowledge the following donors for their generous contributions.

Jerry and Pinuccia Bagnani

Anna Castellucci

Giustina Cipriani

Olga Smirnova and Charles Colette

Geoffrey Cone

Seldy Cramer

Schnabel Music Foundation

David & Molly Pyott Foundation

Richard and Enika Schulze Foundation

Douglas and Lynn Freeman

Jim and Parvina Glidewell

David and Michelle Horowitz

Huffington Family Foundation

GK and Saini Kannan

Joann Leatherby

Bill and Marsha Link

Timothy Molnar

Jay and Dee Myers

Lana and Walter Parsadayan

Matthew and Cheri Richardson

Ken Waigand

Katherine and John Ward

Board members and LacMus’ leadership at Castello Durini
Molly and David Pyott and Michelle Horowitz about to board a water taxi outside of Grand Hotel Tremezzo
Richard Schulze and his wife enjoying a concert at Villa del Balbianello
Board members and LacMus’ leadership enjoying an evening in Tremezzina
David Pyott showing off his new Italian Hello Kitty ride

Board of Directors

Michelle Horowitz


Richard Schulze


Timothy Molnar


Molly E. Pyott

Board Member

Geoffrey Cone

Board Member

Susan Geyer

Board Member

Our Partners

Galas and Special Events

The American Friends of LacMus celebrates the festival and its artists while securing the future of LacMus with extraordinary events throughout the United States and abroad.